VisiRule Web Demos

VisiRule is a graphical tool for non-programmers to develop and deliver rule-based and expert systems simply by drawing their decision logic.

Creating Expert Knowledge Charts

Complex knowledge can be modelled using a visual chart and shared with colleagues.

VisiRule provides a dedicated Windows desktop authouring tool to rapidly draw and test the correctness of charts.

Publishing Interactive Questionnaire Systems

VisiRule charts are active diagrams rather than passive pictures; they generate online, interactive questionnaire sessions.

The original VisiRule chart can be displayed with the questionnaire to provide a visual map of the decision process.

Standard CSS stylesheets, Javascript and HTML can be used to enhance the visual presentation of the questionnaire.

Reports and Available Export Options

You can generate a 'Chart Table' where the drawn VisiRule chart is exported as an XML-based table for external processing, editing, re-loading and documentation purposes.

You can generate a 'Truth Table' which articulates all possible paths through a chart - an invaluable auditing and documentation aid.

You can generate a vector-based picture of the chart which can be shared and used within presentational documents.

You can generate a text based version of the chart as a set of executable rules.

VisiRule charts can be executed both interactively, using any browser-equipped device, and also remotely using pre-existing corporate data.

Structured reports and custom advice can be generated using the answers given and the path taken through the chart.

Answers, both given and computed, can be stored externally for downstream analysis and workflow integration.

Click here to explore some VisiRule web demos on our sister website.