Contact Technical Support
Why not save yourself time by using our Web resources to try to solve your problem? Before you send us a technical support email, please check out the following two pages:
If you still need help ...
If neither of the above pages helps you, then please email us with details of your problem. To help us to help you, it is very important that your email is in plain text, and includes the following information:
- Details of your WIN-PROLOG setup
- Details of which LPA Toolkits you are using
- Details of your computer and operating system
- A clear description of your problem
Please do not send any file attachments unless we have specifically requested them.
Precise Details
This section describes the information we require in greater detail. If your system is based on WIN-PROLOG and its toolkits, then please send us a complete copy of the text welcome banner that shows in the "Console" window after you start WIN-PROLOG, for example:
If you don't see a banner like this when you have started WIN-PROLOG, then please type the following command, which will create a banner:
?- ver( 1 ).
Please use cut/paste to copy this banner into the start of your email. If you are using another version of LPA-PROLOG, such as MacProlog32 or DOS-PROLOG, then please tell us its name, version and (if applicable) serial number.
Next, please list the names of any LPA Toolkits (such as flex, Intelligence Server, etc) that you are using.
Finally, please say which version of Windows, DOS or MacOS you are running, whether you have any service packs (SPs) installed, what make/model of computer you have, and how much free RAM and Hard Disk space your machine has.
Once all these details are completed, please describe your problem succinctly, preferably with exact instructions about how to reproduce it.
Never Send Attachments!
When first contacting LPA Technical Support, please never send email attachments, such as program listings, screen shots, ZIP files, Word documents or executable files. We will arrange to receive these from you if and when they are required.
It is part of our general security and anti-virus policy that we will refuse to open emails that contain unsolicited attachments, and will simply delete them without replying.
Contact Details
Once your email is complete as described above, please send it to LPA technical support.
Please note that in order to reduce the amount of junk email (SPAM) that has been flooding our technical support and sales email accounts, we have been forced to change the email addresses we use. Please send your message to whichever of the following accounts is most suitable:
Contact | Address |
Technical Support | |
Sales Enquiries | |
Other Information | |
in each case replacing the letters, "AT", with the usual symbol, "@".
We apologise for asking you to do this, but we hope you will appreciate that it has become a necessary step in order to allow us to respond to your emails and serve you better.
Please remember: always include your WIN-PROLOG welcome banner and other system details in support queries, and never send us unsolicited attachments!